Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tatum Olson

It's 1:55 A.M. and I reaaally wish I was sipping a cozy hot cup of coffee right now. But anyways.. I am realizing how many photoshoots I want to blog about sooo I better get going!

Here's a continued post. I did senior portraits for my gorgeous friend Tatum back in August. I haven't seen her in probably over 5 or 6 years. Years ago, we lived together for a few months while my family was building our home, and they lived with us in our new home while they were building their new home! She moved to Michigan a little after that and I basically never saw her again until this year. She's my long lost little sis. We were always (and still are) SO similar. It was amazing to see her again.. I will hopefully be seeing her again around Thanksgiving! Yippee! So.. we had fun and did a good amount of shooting time.. that's for sure.

1 comment:

Tatum said...

that's me! :D I love you sis! <3