mo fro than you kno |
On another note, God is SO rocking my world. For the past month we haven't done organized mission work or ministry, but God has evidently been working in all of our lives. He has just been revealing to me so much about his character and the limit-less-ness (good word) of his love! We've all been going through this book called "The Misunderstood God: The Lies Religion Tells About God" by: Darin Hufford which has been awesome. It really challenges me in my faith and the way I see God and what Christianity is really all about. I will talk more about that later.
It's been an incredible experience being surrounded by ethnics and culture that are so foreign to me. It is all such a mystery, but God has given me a heart to just love the people here. I don't know them or anything about them, but I love them. I've been getting a bigger (but still tiny) glimpse of the way God loves and it's beautiful. We've had some awesome conversations with locals and other backpackers about faith and so much of our conversations comes down to this... Faith without love is worthless. In the end, it won't matter how many times we showed up at church, or how many pages of the Bible we read. In the end, it is all about love. Did we love God? Did we love people? Our first commandment is to love.
John 13:34,35 Love one another. As I have you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.
1 John 3:18 Dear Children, Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
I could go on and on with verses to back this up. I love it. God is love. Let's live by that! That was on my heart and I just wanted to share!
Here are some photos from today.. We took a few hours on motorbikes to explore the highlands, see the bee farm, and pick some strawberries for our ice cream.
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